Dinners, dancing, fireworks and family festivities — your guide to planning ahead and safely celebrating NYE in Melbourne is here.

  • Visitor Info

    Plan ahead – check transport advice, crowd movement changes and more to help you and your family and friends have a safe evening.

  • Fireworks

    Our free Celebration Zones offer the best inner-city views of fireworks, plus family-friendly entertainment, music and food trucks. No bookings needed.

  • Events and Dining

    There are loads of events happening in city bars, restaurants and venues for New Year’s Eve. Book early to avoid missing out.

  • Live Broadcast

    Tune into Channel 9 and 9Now for an exclusive live broadcast of the best New Year’s Eve celebrations including the official countdown and city-wide coverage of the midnight fireworks.

Melbourne CBD and the Yarra River
Melbourne CBD and the Yarra River

Move safely
around the city

New Year’s Eve is extremely busy with large crowds and delays expected. Changes to crowd movement will be in place so it’s important that you plan ahead and follow instructions on the night to ensure everyone has an enjoyable and safe experience.